Challenges Faced By Marketers And How Marketing Automation Can Help

June 14, 2019

Challenges Faced By Marketers And How Marketing Automation Can Help

As a marketer, you will face challenging goals, and you are probably expected to generate desired outcomes in less time. Without proper tools and processes, achieving your goals and demonstrating the results will be difficult, time-consuming, and stressful! Let's look at some of the common challenges marketers face.

1. The Need to Do More

In a rapidly changing digital ecosystem, Marketers are pressured to produce more leads and revenue and close deals faster. Once a project is completed, another one follows right away. It is never-ending!

2. Multiple Projects

Marketers have to handle an increasing amount of projects. More channels bring in many campaigns to handle at once, from email and social marketing to webinars and in-person events.

3. A Leaky Sales Funnel

Complex purchasing processes mean more leaks and lost leads. When sales cycles become longer, your risk of losing track of leads increases.

4. Gaining Qualified Leads

Marketers cannot focus just on top-of-funnel lead generation and awareness-building. They also need to analyze the quality and relevancy of the leads generated. There’s no point in a lead generation program if the leads cannot convert to sales.

5. Sales and Marketing Alignment

Alignment of sales and marketing remains a problem for many businesses. Marketers face a constant struggle to get qualified sales leads in a timely manner.

6. Demonstrating ROI

Demonstrating return on investment is vital for marketers to continue to receive the budget they need to fulfil their objectives.

These challenges are mostly due to mundane tasks that marketers cannot neglect. But this can be overcome with Marketing automation. Automation allows companies to streamline and measure marketing tasks and set up smart workflows to increase operational efficiency and grow revenue faster. Marketing Automation can help scale your campaigns, measure their effectiveness, and align campaigns with specific sales requirements.

For those who would like to get started right away, here are some of the best practices to remember while planning a marketing automation strategy:

● Make sure you set and define your goals. List actual numbers while justifying a marketing automation platform investment to investors or stakeholders.

● To build a more comprehensive strategy, consult with marketing and sales teams to get a more wholesome marketing automation strategy.

● Visualize your workflow and create detailed drawings of your whole workflow process to present a clear picture to your organization

● Look into the segmentation of your database and figure out who you would like to engage with and what you want to communicate with them.

● Outline your content strategy and start working on your content library. Make your content interesting, engaging and relevant for all stages of the buyer’s journey.

If you want to learn more about Marketing Automation, check out our other blogs and feel free to contact our Martech experts.

Shantha Kumar
Shantha Kumar

Kumar is a Digital Marketer with 28 years of international experience. He has specific expertise in consulting, designing and implementing technology driven, Inbound Marketing Solutions. Aside from writing our blogs, he practices yoga, loves to trek, travel, and read biographies. He is believer of traditional Indian medicines and healing methods.