
Content Hub – raises your game. Go fast from ideas to execution

Written by Venu Gopal Nair | Dec 21, 2020 10:57:06 AM

Having great ideas is one thing.

With Content Hub, the biggest advantage is taking an idea and running with it in the shortest possible time. You can have an idea overnight, build an approach with landing pages on Content Hub and test if it's working with display ads or lead generation.

Content is the foundation of everything. You can also use your website as a proving ground for strategies and concepts. Building a new landing page or content pages on the same theme requires little technical expertise and can be managed with drag-and-drop functionality.

You don’t have to worry about the underlying tech because everything is tested continually. Marketers should be able to roll out concepts and test them with customers without a huge gap in between.

As many landing pages as ideas

On a landing page, you get feedback pretty quickly. You see the number of visitors, the response to the concept, and whether or not it engages users. You can test out headlines, features, benefits, or simply different expressions of the same content to see what gets traction.

HubSpot tracks each variation and automatically drives traffic to the pages that get the best response. This saves even more time because you don’t have to wait to evaluate results before deciding on a concept.

Imagine you wanted to test a few gift offers for an upcoming shopping season. Variations within the same concept will tell you what resonates with visitors and what gets their attention. You can switch to the concept with the most traction, knowing fully well that it has a much better chance of success than going in with one or two variations.

Do this for lead generation as well

Testing lead generation pages before deployment is crucial to building the company sales funnel. Before you begin a campaign, use the power of Content Hub to test which concepts and pages generate the best response.

When you try out several pages, you get a sense of how customers see problems rather than how they are defined internally. This is often hard to evaluate until multiple approaches are tried. Several companies have seen that what they consider a trivial benefit is what customers see as major value.

It’s important to get these nuances right instead of going by what the market has been doing over the years, or the ‘common wisdom’ prevalent in the market. This approach to lead generation also yields great insights for developing content and building customer relationships.

Do things you haven’t done before

The best thing about working on your company website is the vast range of options with Content Hub.

If you haven’t used email marketing before, adding it to your marketing activities is simple. Use it to keep in touch with customers on a regular basis or get a boost during the launch phase of a product from the company.

With external media, you are bound by the rules and conditions they set. With your own website, you can tap into the pulse of your customers and the market.

The cost of experimentation is limited to the generation of content and evaluating response. Generate content that is valuable to customers, and ranking will rise. A common misconception is that competitors are the ones who benefit when a company provides information for free.

What is missed is the way this builds trust. If a company educates its customers on using the product, authority and trust are built by default. That’s how customers build long-term relationships because they see that the company provides huge value even before commercial transactions have commenced.

Take a look at how Netflix discusses the finer points of streaming. By making it open to the community, they establish how well they know the technology and the advances they have made.

That’s what good content can achieve – authority and trust.

At BlueOshan, we have been working with HubSpot’s Content Hub for a while, and our design and development skills have grown manifold over time. Be it your existing installation or a new one you are planning, our CMS consultants will happily support you.