
HubSpot June 2024 Updates

Written by Mahesh Ranganathan | Jul 10, 2024 9:48:14 AM


HubSpot's June 2024 updates deliver a range of powerful new features designed to enhance automation, sales tools, and data management. Key highlights include advanced automation options for more complex workflows, customisable deal summaries, AI-driven revenue insights, HIPAA-compliant data storage, proactive data health monitoring, and automatic ad budget syncing.

These updates are aimed at improving operational efficiency, data integrity, and overall user experience, empowering administrators and managers to optimise their processes and drive better results. 


 1. Advanced Automation Options

What’s New: The new automation features offer enhanced workflow capabilities, allowing for more complex and precise automation.

How You Can Use It: You can now automate even more tasks, reducing your team's manual workload. For instance, you can set up workflows that automatically adjust lead scores based on specific behaviours or trigger personalised follow-up emails.


 2. Enhanced Sales Tools

What’s New: Customizable deal summaries, AI-driven revenue insights, and advanced company research tools.

How You Can Use It: These tools will provide your sales team with deeper insights and more tailored information, enabling them to close deals more efficiently. You can set up custom deal summaries that highlight key metrics and use AI insights to forecast revenue trends.


 3. Improved Data Management

What’s New: HIPAA-compliant data storage and proactive data health monitoring.

How You Can Use It:  Ensuring data integrity and compliance is paramount. With these updates, you can confidently manage sensitive data, knowing it meets regulatory standards. Proactive health monitoring will alert me to any data issues before they become problematic, maintaining the accuracy and reliability of our database.


 4. Advertising Enhancements

What’s New: Automatic ad budget syncing.

How You Can Use It: This feature will ensure your ad budgets are always up to date, preventing overspending and optimising ad performance. You can set up automated budget adjustments to align with our marketing strategies, maximising ROI.


 5. Custom User Properties and Lead Scoring

What’s New: Custom user properties and simplified lead scoring.

How You Can Use It: These updates will allow you to tailor HubSpot to your specific needs. You can create custom properties that reflect your unique business requirements and refine our lead-scoring model to prioritise high-potential leads effectively.


 6. Advanced Workflow Triggers

What’s New: More nuanced and responsive workflow triggers.

How You Can Use It: You can implement advanced triggers to ensure that your workflows are responsive and accurate. For example, you can set up workflows that trigger based on a combination of behaviours and attributes, providing the right actions are taken at the right time.

These updates will improve data integrity, streamline operations, and more effectively support your sales and marketing teams.

The HubSpot June updates underscore HubSpot’s commitment to continuous improvement and user-centric innovation, and we at BlueOshan are excited to help you leverage these tools to drive your business forward.